what’s in a year?

what’s in a year?  many opportunities for joy and sorrow, movement and stillness, darkness and light.  for me, during the past year, I have had the privilege to continue  learning,  and unlearning,  and relearning.   in therapy, I worked on boundaries, conflict, and paying more attention to my body.   As the massive rock we call home … More what’s in a year?

You are

A squeeze hug to my incredible Grandma You are my grandmother.  At once this says almost nothing about you, and everything.  You are my Grandma Percy, and all my life you have been a safe and steadfast Love.  You were stubborn and strong and independent. You were kind and loving.  And your Love anchored your … More You are

new year

2022 was a year, like any another, filled with ups and downs. Literal and metaphorical ups and downs as the year started off with climbing up some 2700 stairs on the Manitou Incline with one of my dearest soul friends. I wrote down some intentions at the beginning of the year including to meditate and … More new year

Why Thru Hike?

There are many reasons why people walk, and specifically why they might choose to walk on a trail.  Remember, I told myself, breathing through the sweat, ‘walking is a purpose, too.’ But, the humidity was difficult and the bugs were even more difficult.  I could hear them buzzing in my ears.  I shifted my pack … More Why Thru Hike?

If We Could Walk 500 Miles… for Education… We’d Try!

Hello all 🙂  We are two friends who met a few summers ago working as backpacking guides at a wonderful, magical place called Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp in Colorado.  That summer was full of laughter, adventure, worship, and friendships as we took youth out on trail trips and got to experience living in the beautiful … More If We Could Walk 500 Miles… for Education… We’d Try!

rhythms interrupted

Sleeping and waking, Sleeping and waking, Sleeping and waking, I push my body through space and time. the sun glows off the grass in soft golden hues and I place one foot and the next, one foot and the next, one foot and the next on this dirt trail. a bit of dust rises and … More rhythms interrupted